Resources for Amida Dharma

>> Amidaji International Temple provides unadulterated, in depth articles and books on Jodo Shinshu Buddhism.
>> Templo International Amidaji, first temple in Latin America
On the web
Here are some links that may help you learn more about Amida Dharma:
>> Call of Boundless Compassion - Dharma as taught by Shinran Shonin and the Masters of Jodo Shinshu
>> True Shin Buddhism- by the late Paul Roberts, my first teacher, provides a solid base for understanding true Amida Dharma
Dharma talks:
>> Shaku Joshin
>> Paul Roberts
Books available at Amidaji
The Path of Acceptance - Commentary on Tannisho
Amida Dharma, the essential doctrine of Amidaji International Temple
The Meaning of Faith and Nembutsu in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism
Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Teachings (2nd revised edition)
The True Teachings of Jodo Shinshu
On the Monks and Nuns of Amidaji Branch of Jodo Shinshu
The Four Profound Thoughts which Turn the Mind Towards Amida Dharma
The Path Between the Thorns - The Spiritual Autobiography of a Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Priest
Simple Teachings on Emptiness and Buddha nature
Commentary on the Sutra on the Buddha of Infinite Life
The True Teaching on Amida Buddha and His Pure Land
Publications by other authors
Hisao Inagaki
Professor Emeritus of Ryukoku Univesity (Kyoto, Japan), author and translator:
The Way of Nembutsu Faith - A Commentary on Shinran's Shoshinge
T'an-luan's Commentary on Vasubandhu's Discourse on the Pure Land: a study and translation (1998)
Nagarjuna's Discourse on the Ten Stages: translation and study of the verses and the chapter on the Easy Practice (1998)
Kosho Arana Sensei
Kosho is an Amida Dharma teacher certified by Amidaji International Temple.
On our way to Amida's Land- Volume 1
A seed in Amida's Hand - Samsara and Nirvana in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism
Eiken Kobai Sensei
Professor Emeritus, Soai University, with the Scholarly Rank of Shikyo within the Nishi Hongwanji Organization
Gansen John Welch
Gansen John Welch is a myōkōnin and member of Amidaji temple.
He is also the narrator of Reverend Josho's books.
Already available are the audio versions of: