by Reverend Josho Adrian Cirlea

There is a matter that troubles some people in relation with the Nembutsu. One day we say Nembutsu often, while the next day we might say it a few times. But there is NO problem with this. Don’t worry! The number is not important. Faith does not increase or decrease because we say the Name often or seldom. Also, gratitude to our physical parents does not increase or decrease because we say „I love you/thank you” often or seldom. The gratitude and faith in your parent is there in your heart, no matter how often you express it verbally.
I also like to use another comparison – we don’t always feel our breathing, but this doesn’t mean that our breathing doesn’t exist. Sometimes we feel it better when, for example, we are fascinated by the clear air of the mountains or of a beautiful morning and we take long and deep breaths, while some other time we are too hurried and busy in our daily life to focus on it. However, the breath has always been there with us since we were born, being a part of ourselves, even though we don’t experience it consciously every minute. The same applies to faith and Nembutsu. The faith is there, inside you, since the first time you entrusted in Amida Buddha and you were born as a person of faith. No matter what you do in your every day life, eating, sleeping, going to toilet, spending time with your girlfriend or boyfriend, being sad or happy, sober or drunk, the faith is there and cannot be destroyed (once fully settled) by anything, not even by the worst of your blind passions. From time to time you express this faith and your gratitude to Amida Buddha by saying vocally or in your mind, Namo Amida Bu, Namo Amida Bu.
So, don’t worry about anything, relax and enjoy saying the Nembutsu of faith and gratitude whenever you like it. Amida doesn’t keep a record of how many times you say His Name and in His Primal Vow He specifically mentioned that numbers are NOT important.
CLICK HERE to read this very important article on saying the Name of Amida Buddha,
Originally posted on the Amidaji International Temple 阿 弥 陀 寺 Facebook page: